Please read this before you continue!

 Don Dickerman i an American prison evangelist. He had a «successful» service for many years. Many of the inmates received Jesus as their Saviour.

He noticed, however, that many of those who were genuinely saved committed new crimes after being saved and were put to prison again. It became a burden to him – why was it like this?

This burden became a beginning of a new ministry. More than 20 years ago God lead him into this ministry of deliverance from evil spirits. Through thousands of deliverances God has given him a unique insight into the subject of deliverance from evil spirits.

I have tried to learn what he is teaching. I have studied his speeches, the books that he has written and other material that he has produced. I have tried to digest it as good as possible. If you want to study his teaching, please have a look at his website:

I believe that many christians need to hear this message here in Norway. Deliverance from evil spirits leads to inner healing and some times also to healing from physical illness.

Deliverance is no quick fix that solves all problems, but to many it can be a good help to get on in life.

I have been given permission to translate all the material on his website into Norwegian.

Unfortunately it is per now not possible to contact me at present. If you master English, I encourage you to contatct They may refer you to me if that is wanted.

I will not enter into a theological discussion, but I can be available with advice if you want to use this tool in your ministry.

The deliverance ministry has very good fruit if used with consideration, but unfortunately there is great resistance against the message of the Bible concerning the devil and his demons here in Norway.

I wish you all the best in search for God`s freedom!